Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What is the most unique name you can think of for a character?

The name I find most unique will be used as a character in my story that I am currently writing.

What is the most unique name you can think of for a character?
chrysana (or chrys for short) for a girl

avery (for a guy)
Reply:Lumpy Mossback
Reply:Check out this website, it has LOADS of cool names that I use for my stories.

Reply:Here are a few I came up with, they're kinda cheezy,

Vardarianna (var dar ree ah nuh)

Ellemire (Ell em i ray)

Nire (ni ray)

Ria (Ry uh) that's a real name

Awesome pronunciation key, right? Yeah.
Reply:Kyrie Elesion, it means lord have mercy in Latin and it is my dog's name and she is a real character!
Reply:maybye somthing special about you something you love so much!
Reply:Naji. I've always loved that name.

It's Arabic... and it means strong.

If you write stories a lot or something, which I'm thinking you might. You might consider perchasing some name books.
Reply:bunny camile the snow princess rabit
Reply:My nickname is Turd if that would help.

How about Hildegard von Bingen.

It goes like ' hill deh guard fon binjen'
Reply:Xainte (prounounced zzzan te) It was one of my french ancestors. I think its lovely.
Reply:Mahogany. you know... the color.

or Aranxa(my bff)

or a state or city name.

or a month.

wtf am i sayin.

Reply:Pizbottle Magicat.








I dunno what you want. Describe the character. If hes a drug addict than use one of these...
Reply:Ellicott Honeybucket

Shropshire Mountebank
Reply:Constance Savery's posthumous novel "The Memoirs of Jack Chelwood" was only published in a limited edition of 50 books. In it she features a maiden lady, no longer young, named Miss Handsomebody. I liked, and still like, the name.

For what it is worth, 'most unique' is similar to 'most pregnant.' Something is unique, or it is not.
Reply:Crapulent Cooperthwaite.

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