Friday, November 20, 2009

What do you think would be a good unique name for a female cat?

Teala which means fluffy in Spanish (only pronounced a little different)

Stella just cuz it's really a cute name

What do you think would be a good unique name for a female cat?
Here are some useful tips in choosing a name for your cat.

- Please remember that the pet-name you choose will used dozens of times a day to call your cat.

- Pick a name that the pet can easily recognize. Animals respond better to one or two syllable names.

- Choose a name that’s both easy to call out and one that you are happy calling out.

- If choosing a long name keep in mind the shortened version. A long name will inevitably be shortened, but it may ruin the effect that you were originally looking for.

- The pet’s breed heritage can provide some useful inspiration. For example: Siamese, Balinese, Korat, and Burmese are Oriental breeds; Don Sphynx and Peterbald are Russian; Abyssinian is Egyptian; Chartreux is French; Bombay are British; Devon Rex is English.

- Waiting a few days to study your pets behavior can help pick the right name. The Personality and Appearance categories may assist here.

- Pick a name that will grow with the pet. For example "Kitten" may be less appropriate for a full grown cat.

In my opinion, it's more meaningful when you name your pet yourself. Check out these websites for tons of pet name ideas... you can search by gender, color, meaning, and first letter of the name.
Reply:It might help if we knew a bit about what your kitty looked like and/or how she acts.

That being said...

Moonbeam (If you like the whole Peace Love and Granola thing)

Kaira (it means Goddess, and what cat doesn't know she's a goddess?)

Tryphena (A Greek name meaning "Delicate")

Cytheria (Greek goddess of love)

Zuza (Czech name meaning "Graceful lilly," or just "Graceful"

Lukina (Russian for "Graceful and Bright")
Reply:first thing es first?KITTEN ??? not your name or Friends name or families name??? watch what she does /plays crazy thingies. then you will know?OLDER CAT? puss-puss or want food. the speed she comes to the food will give you a name/.remember a cat does what they want??? but if you love them /they will love you.cats love it?? wish people would learn!
Reply:I like Dulce. It means sweet in Spanish (but it's not pronounced like Dolce and Gabanna). It' spronounced Dole-see or Dull-see. I think it's so adorable and unique! Say it a couple times out loud.. it's got a ring to it.
Reply:Unique?????? How about.............





Good luck..........Hope you find what you're looking for!
Reply:Well I named my cat Mephistopheles, because it had a black cross on it's back. That's a unique name.. I usually go with unique names starting with M that's the thing.. hmm.. what about a human name.. or just plain "Kitty"
Reply:personally, I'm fond of the name Roslyn my self or Rose for short. but then there is Michelle, Mischa, or clarice. check out this website it might help.

Ta ta,

Reply:Marlee, Rai (ray), Gerty, Winonna (Winnie for short), Ollie, Lacy, Ryder, Willow, or Elle
Reply:My partner brought home a female cat about 2 years ago.. we named her Neko because it means cat in Japanese...I think it is cute.







hope these helped
Reply:I am in love with the name "Tater Tot" for a cat. It is too cute.


Reply:catastrophe. i'd name a cat that. it's fun.
Reply:Layla or Kristianne

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