Thursday, April 15, 2010

How can I combine the name Jessica or my name with my husband's(Philippe) to form a unique baby name??

You don't.

Use one of your names as a middle name if you must, but don't start making up "unique" names for your poor kid. He or she is the one who has to live with it for the rest of their lives.

How can I combine the name Jessica or my name with my husband's(Philippe) to form a unique baby name??
Phillipa is a lovely name. Maybe as a middle name? How about Japhila or Japhessa or Jillica? Perhaps Jessephie or Jessilie? Peppica, Pajica, Pippi-Cassia, Jesipha, Caliapi, Philessa, Philece, Caprese, Apple, Chessa, Alice, Phalise, Shapica, Capiche (haha!), Chepela (sh sound)? They include only letters in both names. Good luck =]
Reply:Josephine its your best bet. Strange names might be "unique" but its weird, I always hear teachers, doctors, and people talking about parents that mix their names to give to their kids, its not a name, it sound wrong and weird. Your child will probably be happier with a normal name.
Reply:How about:

~ Philippa (girl)

~ Jessilli (girl)

~ Phillica (girl) - but I don't like the sound of it! LOL

~ Jill or Jilly (girl)

That's about all I can think of...there aren't too many options.
Reply:well... it depends.

Girl:Jessili, Caili(?), Philiss

Boy:Jeph, Jill, Jip(?)

Congratson ur baby shower!!!

Hope I helped!! ^ ^
Reply:I actually just made one up that sounds good to me. Philessica. Don't know if you would spell if like that but it sounds cool when you say it.
Reply:Some of these names that people suggested really gave me a good laff!! But Jili and Philessica takes the cake for me!!

Anyway, how about Jessiphil?
Reply:jessippe? jk- that's a toughy. it depends if it is a boy/girl. Philica, Jessilippe- way! thats it! Jessilipe! (pronounced JESS-E-LEEP!)
Reply:wow...I don't think there's a good option for those names . They all just sound made up and weird. Why not just pick a lovely unique name you both love instead.
Reply:Josephine? They J from Jessica and the Ph from philipe?
Reply:Jili? Thats unique, sorry I can't think of anything better!
Reply:Physica?/ or Phessica? or Jessippe?

The possibilities are practically unlimited.
Reply:Jessica + Phillipe = Jessippa ! gorgeous and coooooooooool





Reply:I dont think those names combined will ever sound good.....
Reply:Josephine, Jessline, sorry thats all I can think of, that's a hard one!
Reply:Jessilip? or Jessilippe?

pronounce it Jess Ah Lip
Reply:Phillica; sounds weird but ok... and whats ur name anyways?

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