Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What's a very unique name for a beta fish, Goldie and Flipper are just not gonna cut it.. Help?

Got a new beta fish (male) and for the life of me I can't come up with something good! I am open to every name even two words put together like from the movie The Outsiders, Ponyboy. Really unique. Thanks for the Help!

What's a very unique name for a beta fish, Goldie and Flipper are just not gonna cut it.. Help?
Reply:hmmm well, i think i have a few names? well first of all what does it look like? the color? i named my few beta fish Bingo,rainbowfish (from the book) i was littel! garfield, and rubby. just a few names, hope that helps! :-)
Reply:Flash, Blaze, Swank...just cos bettas love to flare their fins and like to show off....all the words I gave are the meaning of to show off or to flare....I know maybe not gr8..but just trying to be creative here..:)...sometimes color helps too..what is his color??
Reply:y dont u just name it Ponyboy?? lol

but, heres a few sugestions:






Reply:I'm trying to pick a name now. I'm not a huge fan of the LOTR but I like the names from that. (Frodo, Bilbo, Sarumon etc) I also like Deimos, Monte and Guido.
Reply:i have 8 bettas myself.

i've named them all after dead musicians...

i have freddie mercury, kurt cobain, john lennon...

the list goes on.
Reply:wll my friend has a betta (female) named luna and she had a male named sol also espacio means space in spanish. Idk what else but how bout names like oscar ronald napolean
Reply:Well, you could go with a Greek letter, my sister named hers Gamma (get it- (alpha), beta, gamma)
Reply:Draco? (Latin for dragon)

Had a crowntail betta named that, he was mostly black and had a dragon-like personality
Reply:Alpha Fish
Reply:Le Befana

Reply:nemo....... idk


ee=long e sound

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